Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Marvin Sapp(The Best In Me)

Dr. Khalid..



Nadiyah Khalid will be publicly speaking February 23, 2014 at the lutheran metropolitan ministry 2100 LAKESIDE MEN'S SHELTER from 7-8PM. @Nadiyah Khalid will be speaking ongoing every Sunday from 7-8 discussing different social society awareness issues. The addressee is 2100 Lakeside Avenue E Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Their will be refreshments served. The workshop wi...ll be held in the downstairs conference room. When you arrive the receptionist and security will direct you to the conference room. All supporters, family, and friends are welcomed to attend, and if you can't the first workshop other workshops will be on going after that one. Parking is available and security will direct you. I want to say Thank you to Mr. Michael E. Moguel, Director of Shelter Operations and Ms. Lydia Bailey, Coordinator of Volunteering for this opportunity and believing in my "VISION". This is truly a Blessing and a Light to be a "Voice". I will also have a Co/Host with me as well that will Host some of my forums. Let's get involved SUPPORTERS! and "MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD" HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!! I can also be emailed: at nadiyahblessed@yahoo.com